Premier Skill Series
Sunday Sept 15th, 22nd
October 6th
8 players to 1 instructor
Hitting 1:30-2:15 ($20)
Passing 2:30-3:15 ($20)
Serving 3:30-4:15 ($20)
All 3 sessions ($50)
Players need to bring good court shoes, kneepads & water
Instruction given by Oklahoma Premier VBC
Includes admission to stay after for Open Gym
Sunday Sept 15th, 22nd
October 6th
8 players to 1 instructor
Hitting 1:30-2:15 ($20)
Passing 2:30-3:15 ($20)
Serving 3:30-4:15 ($20)
All 3 sessions ($50)
Players need to bring good court shoes, kneepads & water
Instruction given by Oklahoma Premier VBC
Includes admission to stay after for Open Gym